Static Screen - Weapons - Pit Viper (VIP)
Missile Weapon
The Pit Viper is a missile with average power and mobility. Its tracking system relies on a thermal signature interface.

General Data
Appearance Pointed missile with a black shell and blue or gold flare.
Tech Level 2 | 3
Tech Base Common
Combat Value 605.0 | 700.0
Mass 3.0 mTons | 4.0 mTons
Size Small | Medium
Ammunition 8 | 12
Range 800m
Minimum Range 50m
Rearm Time 3.0 Sec
Lock Time 4.0 Sec
Track Type Thermal
Blast Radius 6m
Special Properties None.
Shield Effects
Damage 160 [~700 w/Blast (12 part)]
Phase % 0%
Armor Effects
Damage 400
Phase % 0%
Integrity Effects
Damage 400
In-Depth Data
Psuedo Mass 350
Starting Velocity 25 m/Sec
Maximum Velocity 300 m/Sec
Acceleration 50 m/Sec
Concussive Damage % 75%
Electric Damage % 0%
Thermal Damage % 25%
Special Damage % 0%

1* The numbers in parenthesis next to the damage indicators represent the amount of damage inflicted after phase has been factored in. Due to the complexity of the damage formulae, I have opted not to include the damage inflicted through phasing.
2* Firing a weapon before it has fully rearmed will result in reduced damage. However, contrary to popular belief the damage rate will NOT be affected at constant fire.
3* Any weapon with a blast radius has the potential to do more overall damage (shield, and armor damage) if the blast radius consumes more than one part. This explains why BCs, HBCs, and sometimes EMPs do phenomenal shield damage.