Static Screen - Weapons - Electron Flux Whip (ELF)
Special Weapon
The Electron Flux Whip is one of the deadliest weapons available. Any vehicle that comes in contact with this weapon will most likely suffer severe damage from its shield phasing abilities, as well as shield damage. The downside to the Electron Flux Whip, however, is its high energy demand and extremely short range. It's motion is also slightly random, so it may be possible to miss more than hit.

General Data
Appearance Bright, blue bolt of lightning.
Tech Level 5
Tech Base Human
Combat Value 820.0
Mass 5.0 mTons
Size Medium
Energy Consumption 50
Range 150m
Velocity 200 m/Sec
Charge Time 1.7 Sec
Blast Radius 2m
Damage Variance 0%
Tracking No
Special Properties Partial phase through shields. Near random movement.
Shield Effects
Damage 700 (525)
Rate 411.8/Sec (308.8/Sec)
Energy Ratio 8.2 (6.2)
Phase % 25%
Armor Effects
Damage 700
Rate 411.8/Sec
Energy Ratio 8.2
Phase % 0%
Integrity Effects
Damage 700 (525)
Rate 411.8/Sec (308.8/Sec)
Energy Ratio 8.2 (6.2)
In-Depth Data
Psuedo Mass 0
Beam Length 75m
Stiffness 0%
Jitter 20%
Concussive Damage % 0%
Electric Damage % 100%
Thermal Damage % 0%
Special Damage % 0%

1* The numbers in parenthesis next to the damage indicators represent the amount of damage inflicted after phase has been factored in. Due to the complexity of the damage formulae, I have opted not to include the damage inflicted through phasing.
2* Firing a weapon before it has fully rearmed will result in reduced damage. However, contrary to popular belief the damage rate will NOT be affected at constant fire.
3* Any weapon with a blast radius has the potential to do more overall damage (shield, and armor damage) if the blast radius consumes more than one part. This explains why BCs, HBCs, and sometimes EMPs do phenomenal shield damage.